Sunday, January 20, 2013

Queer Identity start off, I like the term "queer" to describe myself. I like it because of its simple, ambiguous meaning: different. Beyond that, being queer does not really affect who I am. It is a part of who I am; it is what I am. "Queer" gets the point across quite adequately, even though most people just look at me and ask, "So, what does that mean for you?" This is a valid question. There are many, many different kinds of people who appropriate the word to describe themselves (which I am all for, by the way: I think everyone should identify as queer).

Queer can refer to someone's sexual identity or expression; it can refer to one's gender expression...or one's self-perception of one's gender.... It can simply refer to someone who does not want to be a "true" man, or a "true" woman according to our society's skewed standards (i.e. men who like to express their feminine side, or women who like to get their hands dirty playing with the boys).

For me: I like men. I am attracted to men. I want my life-long companion and partner to be a man, to grow old and raise a family with...and that is what people really want to know. Now, that does not mean I do not like physical activity or sports. I love playing and watching soccer (or football, as I prefer to call it), Frisbee, and volleyball, or even going for a run outside on a nice warm day. But that does not mean I do not know a thing or two about fashion, either...or Broadway musicals. I think that is why I like the term queer, so much; different is just who I am. I do not fit any stereotypes; I